18 May, 2015

Dr. Quinn: "Secrets"

Gettin' buggy with it.
Michaela and Sully find Joseph Gorden Levitt in a closet of a dead woman.

13 May, 2015

The Tripods: Part 1

If you haven't read the excellent "The White Mountains" trilogy by John Christopher, go do so now.  I'll wait.

04 May, 2015

Dr. Quinn "Heroes"

The cringe is strong in this one.

Horace's nephew is visiting and ZOMG IT'S THE MEDICINE BLANKET EPISODE!  Colleen and her friends are reading the latest installment of some shitty romantic story in the paper.  

02 May, 2015

ST: TNG "Realm of Fear" aka Barclay Can't Win

Troi:  "It's not crazy at all.  You *are* being taken apart, molecule by molecule."

The Enterprise responds to the science ship Yosemite, whose crew is missing.  Barclay comes up with a plan to link the transporter systems.  Unfortunately for him, La Forge thinks this is a stellar idea and rewards him with an away mission.  Turns out Barclay has a severe transporter phobia.

Okay just hold on here folks.  How come nobody knows this?  He's been on this ship going on four seasons now!  This is news?  Look I understand wanting to hide something like this but on a fairly intimate ship it would be difficult to do so.

01 May, 2015

ST: TNG "The Nth Degree" aka Leave Barclay Alone

Barclay:  "I've finally become the person I've always wanted to be.  Do we have to ask why?"

Barclay is doing terrible in a play.  Quelle surprise.  Whose great fucking idea was it to stick the man well known to be suffering from severe anxiety in a play?  The audience is polite about it, especially Riker, as he should be given he's been a real dick where Barclay is concerned.  Data's facial expressions are hilarious as he tries to understand why they're all being so supportive.